Some Clients Aren't Worth The Risk For Biglaw... And, Yes, We Mean Donald Trump

Discussing the risks of representing Trump, Sam Bankman-Fried's goofy courtroom sketch, and Biglaw's open letter to law schools.

President Trump Delivers Remarks On Lowering Drug Prices In Rose Garden

(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

For most major law firms, the prospect of representing Donald Trump and stamping the firm’s name on his nutty pet arguments is a non-starter. Over at Nixon Peabody, the firm jumped right in, bringing on the former president as a client and filing a brief complete with the zany “Brandenburg means it can’t be an insurrection” argument that Trump’s been having all his lawyers make. Partners don’t seem happy about this turn of events. But, since we recorded, we’ve learned that firm leadership doesn’t really care that partners are concerned. We also discuss Sam Bankman-Fried’s absurd courtroom sketch and the aesthetic brilliance of Jane Rosenberg’s dark and brooding courtroom sketches. Finally, a number of Biglaw firms sent an open letter castigating law school deans for campus antisemitism.
